Hemp, what you should know about this superfood?
hemp seeds
Hemp seeds are the most nutritious seeds in the world or in other words they are a real gift from nature! They contain an optimal balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins and enzymes, combined with relatively little sugar, starch and saturated fats. This superfood is a perfectly natural blend of easily digestible proteins needed for normal body fat function (Omega-3 and Omega-6).
All essential amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the human body can be found in hemp seeds.
The good news don’t stop:
- By taking hemp seeds, we are actually eating nutrients in good balance.
- Hemp seed protein is more digestible than meat, egg, cheese, milk or other protein-rich foods.
- Hemp seeds can also be eaten by people who are intolerant to gluten, nuts, lactose or sugar. No cases of allergic reactions to hemp food are known.
- Hemp seeds contain minimal amounts of monounsaturated (bad) fats, which are easily converted into energy.
- Hemp seeds help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.
- Help for faster recovery after illness.
- Improve digestion and blood circulation
- Improve the work of the immune system
- Favor the work of the cardiovascular system
- Improve vision